• Exploring the World of Media and Its Endless Possibilities

          • Join us at Sulaimaniya College Auditorium on 26th May 2023, Friday, for an exciting program on "Exploring the World of Media and Its Endless Possibilities!"

            We are thrilled to have Mr. Riyas Haris, a renowned Producer and Presenter at MTV and MBC Network, as our speaker. Mr. Riyas is an accomplished alumnus of Sulaimaniya College, with a remarkable track record in the media industry and multiple national awards.

            Only pre-registered participants will be allowed to attend this event.

            On this day, we will also be relaunching the New Sulaimaniya Media Club! This club provides a platform for media enthusiasts to connect, collaborate, and explore the vast world of media together.

          • "Memories Unfold: Grade 6 New Admission Journey at Sulaimaniya College"

          • Click here to view the album


            We extend a warm and hearty welcome to all the new Grade 6 students at Sulaimaniya College!

            We are delighted to announce that the Welcome Event for our talented new students was held on the 18th of May 2023. It was an incredible gathering where parents, dedicated school staff, the School Development Committee, and the Old Boys' Association all participated with enthusiasm and support.

            Before their official enrollment, our freshers had the opportunity to participate in a two-day orientation program. This program aimed to introduce them to the school's values, facilities, academic programs, and extracurricular activities. It provided a great platform for them to get acquainted with their fellow students and build lasting friendships from the start.

            We would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who supported and contributed to the success of this program. It is through the combined efforts of parents, dedicated school staff, the SDC, and the OBA that we were able to create an environment where our new students could feel comfortable, welcomed, and excited about their journey ahead.

            As the new students embark on their educational journey at Sulaimaniya College, we promise to provide them with a nurturing and supportive environment. We are committed to their holistic development, empowering them to excel academically, socially, and personally.

            Once again, a heartfelt welcome to all our new Grade 6 students! May this be the beginning of a fulfilling and memorable educational experience.

            #WelcomeEvent #NewStudents #OrientationProgram #SulaimaniyaCollege #ExcitingJourney

          • Astounding Success: Ishma, Sulaimaniya College Student, Grabs Third Place in National Level Commonwealth Essay Competition 2023!

          • Congratulations to M.I.F Ishma of grade 9 at Sulaimaniya College for an outstanding achievement! 

            We are delighted to share the fantastic news that Ishma has secured third place in the English medium National level Commonwealth essay competition 2023. Her remarkable accomplishment was recognized at the awarding ceremony held at the Ministry of Education in Baththaramulla on the 16th of May, 2023. What makes Ishma's achievement even more remarkable is that she competed against prestigious and privileged schools, showcasing her incredible talent and dedication.

            We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the teachers who played a pivotal role in guiding Ishma throughout her journey toward success. Their unwavering support, encouragement, and expertise have undoubtedly contributed to this remarkable achievement.

            Ishma's accomplishment not only brings honor to Sulaimaniya College but also inspires all aspiring young writers. 📝🌟 We couldn't be prouder of her and her remarkable journey thus far. Let's take a moment to applaud Ishma on this well-deserved achievement and wish her continued success in her future endeavors.

          • Empower Teaching and Learning with Artificial Intelligence

          • "Empower Teaching and Learning with Artificial Intelligence." Held on the 7th of May 2023.

            Our distinguished presenter, Mr. Ameer Mohamed Rajah, captivated the audience with his insightful presentation on the innovative use of AI tools in education. As teachers, we understand the importance of staying ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology. Mr. Rajah shed light on how AI can be harnessed to transform teaching methodologies and facilitate enhanced learning outcomes for students.

            In an era where technology plays a crucial role in education, it's essential for teachers to adapt and embrace new tools. Mr. Rajah introduced cutting-edge AI applications tailored for the classroom, providing practical examples and case studies that showcased their effectiveness. From personalized learning algorithms to intelligent tutoring systems, attendees discovered how AI can revolutionize the way we educate future generations.

            The event sparked lively discussions and brainstorming sessions among participants, fostering a collaborative environment where teachers shared their experiences and best practices. Attendees had the opportunity to ask questions, seek guidance, and engage in meaningful dialogue with Mr. Rajah, making it an enriching and interactive learning experience.

            Sulaimaniya College, Kannattota, is committed to equipping teachers with the knowledge and tools they need to empower students and prepare them for the future. Stay tuned for upcoming events, workshops, and training sessions focused on the integration of technology in education.

            Join us on our journey to harness the power of AI and unlock new horizons in teaching and learning. Together, we can create an educational landscape that embraces innovation, fosters critical thinking, and cultivates the next generation of lifelong learners.

          • Sulaimaniya College's Online Program Helps Grade 10 Students Choose the Right Career Path

          • Sulaimaniya College, Kannattota, recently organized an online program for grade 10 students aimed at guiding them in choosing the appropriate basket subjects after grade 9. Held on April 30th, 2023, the event featured Mr. M.J.M. Saneer, a social psychologist from the National Institute of Education Maharagama. Mr. Saneer utilized an online test to help identify students' career interests, ensuring they make informed choices for their future.

            Choosing the right basket subjects after grade 9 is important for students to pave the way for a successful career. Sulaimaniya College's online program aimed to support grade 10 students in making informed decisions aligned with their career aspirations and areas of interest. With the guidance of Mr. M.J.M. Saneer, a respected social psychologist, the program introduced students to various career options. Through an online test, students were able to discover their career interests, empowering them to choose the right basket subjects that align with their passions and talents.

            Mr. M.J.M. Saneer, a social psychologist from the National Institute of Education Maharagama, played a crucial role in the program. By utilizing an online test, he helped students identify their career interests, offering personalized guidance. Mr. Saneer shared his expertise and knowledge, guiding students in making informed decisions regarding their basket subject choices. Through his insights, students gained a deeper understanding of their aptitudes and preferences, allowing them to align their choices with their desired career paths.

            Participating in Sulaimaniya College's online program brought numerous benefits for grade 10 students. The program provided a platform for self-exploration, helping students understand their strengths, interests, and values. By utilizing the online test, students gained insights into their career preferences, paving the way for informed decision-making. By choosing the right basket subjects, students could set a strong foundation for their academic and professional journeys, aligned with their passions and aspirations.