• A Heartfelt Thank You to the Sulaimaniya College O/L Batch of 2006 and A/L Batch of 2009!

          • A heartfelt thank you to the 2006 O/L and 2009 A/L batch of Sulaimaniya College students!

            We are incredibly grateful for your remarkable and impactful project contribution to our school's development. Your dedication and generosity have truly paved the way for a brighter future for Sulaimaniya College.

            This project is a shining example of the power of giving back to your alma mater. You have inspired us all and shown the importance of community spirit.

            We call upon all Sulaimaniyans to join us in building a brighter future for Sulaimaniya. Together, we can make a difference!

          • Sulaimaniya College Inter-House Sports Meet 2024 Concludes Early

          • The Sulaimaniya College Inter-House Sports Meet 2024 came to an unexpected close after the completion of the major games.

            Current Standings:

            • Cairo House: 110 points
            • Ankara House: 98 points
            • Baghdad House: 92 points

            Athletic Events Cancelled

            Unfortunately, due to a sudden change in the term schedule and exam timetable by the Sabaragamuwa Provincial Department of Education, the remaining athletic events for the Inter-House Sports Meet had to be cancelled.

            Despite the abrupt conclusion, the College congratulates all participants for their outstanding performances in the major games played.

          • Mohamed Afham wins Sabaragamuwa Badminton Competition

          • Congratulations to Mohamed Afham of Sulaimaniya College for securing the first position in the Sabaragamuwa Province Badminton Competitions, organized by the Kegalle District Badminton Association on January 28, 2024.

          • Teaching and Learning in the Artificial Intelligence Era

          • Sulaimaniya College organized an event called "Teaching and Learning in the AI era," an awareness session for parents and students of grades 6 to 9, held on January 25, 2024, at the school's main hall. Only pre-registered participants were allowed to attend. Through interactive activities, participants explored the power of Artificial Intelligence, its ethical use in the teaching-learning process, and the challenges the world will face. They also learned how to develop creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills to meet these challenges.

          • Orientation for Advanced Level Freshers

          • Sulaimaniya College welcomed the Advanced Level 2025 batch with an insightful orientation on January 23rd and 24th. Mr. M.J.M Saneer sir, the resource person from the NIE Counselling Guidance Unit, guided students on choosing the right career, conducting career tests, and creating vision boards. Additionally, Mr. A. M. Rajah sir provided valuable insights on 21st-century success strategies, emphasizing the importance of creating a digital portfolio. The event aimed to empower students with the knowledge needed for a successful academic journey and career ahead.

          • Sulaimaniya College: Pioneering Research in Sri Lankan School Education

          • In a remarkable departure from convention, Sulaimaniya College in the Dehiowita Education Zone of Sabaragamuwa Province has written a new chapter in Sri Lankan school education. Breaking away from the dominant exam-centric culture, the school organized a research symposium, a rare undertaking in the country's school system. This visionary initiative seeks to encourage critical thinking and problem-solving skills among students, essential qualities for success in the 21st century.

            The symposium, held on December 22, 2023, at the school's auditorium, showcased the findings of more than forty research projects conducted by students. Each project, presented through well-designed posters, demonstrated the students' dedication and the school's commitment to fostering a holistic educational environment.

            Established in 1920, Sulaimaniya College celebrated its centenary in 2020. The school's journey, from a single-block building adjacent to the Gurugoda Oya River to its present location, reflects a rich history of evolution and growth. The school's commitment to academic excellence and innovation was highlighted by the presence of Hon. Ranil Wickramasinghe, the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka at the time, during the centenary celebrations in 2019.

            While the school has faced challenges, including temporarily discontinuing the science stream at the advanced level due to a shortage of teachers, Sulaimaniya College has appeared as a stronghold of scientific exploration. Since 2016, the science stream has been reestablished, overcoming previous hurdles. The school has successfully established a comprehensive team of teachers for all science subjects, enabling students to pursue scientific studies with no “interruption.”

            One of the driving forces behind the success of Sulaimaniya College in promoting science is its active science club. Led by science teachers, the club has played a crucial role in fostering a culture of scientific curiosity among students. Various initiatives, such as Sci-Talk, Astro camps, Practical camps, Astronomy week, Sci-Quiz, Sci-Show, Moon Observation Night, and Meet Scientist Online, as well as Eclipse Observations, etc., have been organized to engage students and enhance their interest in scientific pursuits. Another remarkable initiative by the science club is this 'Little Scientist' event, aimed at developing a research-based learning approach among students.

            The idea of organizing a research symposium at the school level originated when Mr. Ameer Mohamed Rajah collaborated with Mr. Fadil Iqbal, the founder of the IQLAB YouTube channel. Their vision was to promote research among school teachers in Sri Lanka, believing that it would eventually flow down to students. This collaborative effort took approximately eight months to materialize into the first-ever research symposium in the region.

            The process began with an introduction to research concepts, as many students were unfamiliar with the specifics of research projects. Students were encouraged to identify research problems and areas of curiosity, resulting in a diverse array of topics. The science club teachers played a crucial role in refining and simplifying these topics to ensure they were attainable at the students' level.

            Once the topics were finalized, students were given a three-month window to complete their research. Students regularly met with their assigned supervisors during this period, receiving valuable feedback and guidance. The structured approach allowed students to navigate the various aspects of research, encouraging a sense of ownership and responsibility for their projects.

            The completion of this intensive research process was the preparation of posters that concisely communicated each student's work, methodology, and findings. More than 90% of the research posters were crafted in English, a testament to the school's commitment to bilingual education. The students' proficiency in presenting their findings in English was commendable and showcased the effectiveness of the school's language instruction.

            The success of the symposium was further highlighted by the participation of distinguished guests. Dr. M.C.M. Iqbal, a retired scientist from the National Institute of Fundamental Studies, and Mr. Fadil Iqbal, the founder of the IQLAB Youtube Channel and a Ph.D. candidate at IUPUI University in the USA, graced the occasion as chief guests. Additionally, Miss. P. G. S. Chandramali the Science director and Mr. Tharindu Wijerathna the planning director of the Dehiowita Education office added their valuable insights to the event.

            During their speeches, the chief guests praised the students' work and acknowledged the guidance provided by the teachers. The idea of compiling the students' research works into a small school research journal was proposed, opening routes for further recognition and dissemination of the students' efforts. This proposal aligns with the broader vision of sharing knowledge and best practices among educational institutions.

            The significance of this research symposium was emphasized by the Science Director, who noted that this was the first time students in the region had engaged in such an event. The success of Sulaimaniya College's Little Scientist Research Symposium is a testament to the school's commitment to fostering a culture of research and development among its students.

            The road to this achievement was paved with dedication and detailed planning. The science club navigated the challenges of introducing research concepts to students unfamiliar with the process. The structured approach, from identifying research problems to presenting findings through posters, allowed students to develop valuable skills.

            The success of the symposium also highlights the crucial role played by the school administration, principal, and staff. Their unwavering support enabled the students and teachers to achieve this milestone in the school's history. Such support from the educational institution is crucial for fostering an environment that encourages innovation and forward-thinking.

            This event serves as a model for other schools in Sri Lanka. While the world is advancing rapidly, the education system must keep pace to equip the upcoming Alpha generation with the skills necessary to navigate an ever-evolving landscape.

            In conclusion, Sulaimaniya College's Little Scientist Research Symposium is a great success, illuminating the path for schools in Sri Lanka to embrace progressive and research-focused education. It stands as a testament to the potential within the country's school system to facilitate future leaders equipped with the skills needed for the challenges of the 21st century. This outstanding initiative is a clear call for educational reforms that prioritize research and development, laying the foundation for a brighter and more innovative future.

          • 13 Sulaimaniya Students Achieve National University Placements

          • We extend our heartfelt congratulations to these outstanding students and wish them the very best in their future endeavors at National Universities. We have no doubt that they will continue to excel and make significant contributions in their chosen fields.

          • G.C.E (O/L) Examination Result 2022(2023)

          • Congratulations to all Sulaimaniyans who performed exceptionally well in their G.C.E (O/L) examinations in 2022 (2023)

            Your hard work and dedication have truly paid off, and we are incredibly proud of your achievements. This is a significant milestone in your academic journey, and we know it opens doors to exciting new opportunities.

            As you embark on the next chapter, we wish you the very best in your future endeavors. May you continue to strive for excellence and achieve all your goals!

            #SulaimanSuccess #GCEOLResults #ProudSulaimanians

          • New Admission for A/L 2025

          • New admissions for A/L 2025 are now openThe closing date is November 23rd, 2023.To apply, you can download the application form from www.tiny.cc/sulal2023 or obtain it at the school gate.For more information, please contact 076 8892 425 or 036 2266 494

          • Sulaimaniyans participated in the International Observe the Moon Night - 2023

          • The Science Club of Sulaimaniya College guides its students to develop multidisciplinary skills and prepares them for the future through participation in various events and learning opportunities.

            சுலைமானியக் கல்லூரியின் விஞ்ஞானக் கழகம், பல்வேறு நிகழ்வுகள் மற்றும் கற்றல் வாய்ப்புகளில் மாணவர்களைப் பங்கேற்பவைப்பதன் மூலம் அவர்களின் பல்வகைத் திறன்களை வளர்த்து அவர்களை எதிர்காலத்திற்குத் தயார்படுத்தி வருகிறது.

            #ObserveTheMoon #internationalobservethemoonnight #NASA

          • International Observe the Moon Night - 2023

          • Science club of Sulaimaniya College is excited to announce that we will be hosting the International Observe Moon Night - 2023 on October 27th from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm via Zoom.

            This is a great opportunity to learn more about the moon and its role in space exploration. We will have a variety of exciting activities planned for the evening.